Friday, March 9, 2007

Yodeling, Forks, Combs, Uninap

Lazurus has been experimenting with pitch lately. When he's excited or wants something, he switches back in forth between high and low pitches, kind of like a yodel.

He was enjoying tuna spaghetti yesterday using my fork.

His hair is getting long. It turns into long curls at neckline, and his hair is still uneven on the top. Thick in the middle, and slowly filling out on the sides. But it looks like a bit of a mohawk. He let me comb it yesterday and today -- and then he tries combing it himself. As soon as it starts tangling, I think Chris or I are going to put some scissors to it. But as of yet, Lazarus still has not had a haircut.

We're experimenting with one nap today. Wish us luck.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Happy Day at the Park and Some Favourite Things

Another happy excursion at the park today. Sunny and warm, the outside was calling to us. It's been raining a lot here in London, so the park was VERY muddy. So Lazarus and I (his Mama) sat on a picnic blanket on top of some tall grass, and it wasn't long before Lazarus was exploring the world. Grass and lots of mud. Reminds me of the Persil commercial: "Dirt is Good." (Persil is a laundry detergent.)

Lazarus enjoys the trains whenever they pass by (the tube is visible from the park). I think he spotted two airplanes in the sky as well. Walk, walk, fall, walk, walk, fall. Muddier and muddier, but with a huge grin on his face. Eventually he came back to me and nursed. And then stayed close and picked at the grass a little bit. I asked if he wanted to go home, and I got an affirmative. (It's hard to describe his nonverbal yeses, but they always involve a smile and a short, high-pitched "yeah" sort of sound.) Stuck him in the Ergo, he fell asleep on the way home. (It's about a ten minute walk home.)

Took the muddiest of the clothes off; he is in a deep sleep. What a happy afternoon. Earlier we enjoyed an orange in his high chair, while I put some groceries away and cleaned up the kitchen counter a little bit. Then he wanted out of his high chair, but not out of the kitchen. So we looked at the microwave (a favourite) and he was very excited about the yellow flowers on the counter. He could bat at them softly and petals would fall. Then the sonic screwdriver on the counter that we have been using for our grocery list caught his fancy.

We bought some puzzles today from the local thrift store. Lazarus has really been enjoying jigsaws lately. We have a giant Postman Pat puzzle that he likes to take apart, and he especially likes poking pieces out of Old MacDonald's Farm Game. It has square boards that you press six different animals into to complete the picture. He likes poking the animals out, sometimes with his tongue. :)

Favourite foods: Oranges, Apples, Egg, Bread/Toast, Sandwiches.

Favourite Toys: Hands down, his wooden train set is the biggest draw. "Choo Choo!" It serves multiple functions: the interlocking tracks are fun puzzle pieces and good for chewing on. It's fun to move the train along the tracks, especially fun if it is heading down a slope. It is fun to strike down the village (just like blocks!) His building blocks are actually very compatible with the train set, allowing for multiple elevations. Very fun! Of course, Lazarus sees the blocks and tears them down, for that is what you do with blocks.

He enjoys toys that make noise or music when you press a button. He likes balls of all sorts. He likes to tear apart Duplos that are put together. He likes things that squeak. He likes sorters. He likes one particular song on Tigger Radio. He likes toys with doors. He likes to bang loudly on his table with anything that will make a good sound. He likes stacking cups. He likes his nesting owls (although he took a bite out of one yesterday).

He is teething like crazy. Those molars are a bitch.

He likes helping me sweep. He likes taking wet clothing off the air dryer.

He really likes soft pillows. He will lay his head down and make happy noises.

He really loves the blanket that Laura made for Christmas that has pictures of his family.

He really loves computers. Even pictures of computers.

He loves anything with switches or buttons, especially if they do something.

He likes pictures of airplanes and food and animals. He has just recently figured out that pictures correspond to things in the real world.

He's had a recent interest in his dirty nappies because they have tape on the backside. He likes tape or other sticky materials.

He loves maps. He likes Monet paintings, art in general I suspect.

He loves baths, water, the shower head.

Favourite Books: Mister Mouse Needs A House. If You Take A Mouse To School. The Olivia series of books. He likes small board books of any topic. He likes the Madeline series of books. The Cat In The Hat Comes Back. Pass It, Polly. A Friend In The Moon. Baby Touch series of books. First Steps A B C. Loves all picture dictionaries.

I should wake him from his nap.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Into the Great Wide Open

Lazarus took his first walk in the outdoors today. The park was muddy and a bit on the cold side, but very, very pleasing. Laz likes trees. Last night Daddy noticed Laz yawning. Neither Daddy or Mama can remember having seen that before.

See Laz in the park here.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Lazarus Joins Cyberspace

Tonight we started a new blog for Lazarus. Eventually, he may take over the entries for this blog, but in the meantime, his Mama and Daddy will post for him.

Tonight, we discovered that Lazarus like cheese. He also bonked his head on the door jam and so he has a red line on his forehead. Ouch!

Daddy suspects that the entries in this blog will be much shorter than those in Daddy's blog. (Or Mama's for that matter).